An electric motor is a device used to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. Electric motors are extremely important in modern-day life. They are used in vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, computer printers, machine tools, cars, subway systems, sewage treatment plants, etc, and you can make your own at home! Here’s how:
- Copper wire
- D battery
- Magnet
- Electrical tape
- Scissors
Coil the wire around a battery about 30 times. Wrap the extended ends of the wire through the coil, securing the coils in place.
Step 2:
Carefully file the enamel off of the bottom half of the extended portion of the wire.
Step 3:
Secure one wire post to each end of the battery, creating a small U-shape to cradle the coil.
Step 4:
Slide a magnet onto the battery.
Step 5:
Place the coil onto the posts and give it an initial spin!
Electricity will flow from the battery through the coil of wire. Moving electricity induces a magnetic field in the coil, which opposes the magnet half of the time, and is attracted the other half. Give it a flick and watch the electrical energy from the battery be converted into the mechanical spinning you see!
Written By: Mimi Garai