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259 results for ""

Rocketing into Space

NASA is truly revolutionizing the space industry with the emergence of private companies designing and building unique rockets. Rocketing …

What is an Electromagnet?

Find out here what an electromagnet is and what are some of its uses! Don’t miss the cool experiment AstroCamp does to show how the …

Launching bottle rocket.

DIY Tumblewing Glider

To build a tumblewing glider, start with a long, thin rectangle of paper. We experimented with gliders ranging from about three to eight …

DIY Wave Machine

Waves transfer energy, not matter. See for yourself with a colorful, hands-on DIY experiment!…

Diffraction of Light

We are celebrating this New Years Eve with a little light diffraction. What you doing this year? Maybe signing up for AstroCamp on the last …

Geometric Bubbles

Make a cube-shaped bubble and more in this fun DIY Geometric Bubble experiment!…

A Supernova For Breakfast (Almost)

Iron signals massive stars’ last stop before supernova status and it’s in your breakfast cereal! Check out this almost supernova!…